Monday, August 5, 2019

Day 87. Back at work... with aetiologies

Today definitely felt WEIRD: I was back at work, with only a little bit of time for stories. I made the quota today only because I worked ahead yesterday... I can tell already that finding the right rhythm is going to be a challenge, but I'm optimistic.

I also made a big decision today: for the Story-of-the-Day project, I decided that an aetiology theme would work best for including the story in the Class Announcements each day. So, it will be not just a story, but an aetiological story. That will allow me to draw heavily on African and Native American stories (which I am most interested in right now), but also to bring in stories from around the world. For the Indian item in the announcements, I'm going to do an "Epic Characters" series... but in Spring, I might try a Jataka series as a follow-up to the aetiologies.

So, as the first aetiological story I did one of the many Brer Rabbit stories which is about how he lost his tail; this is one of the "Rabbit Seeks Endowments" stories. Maybe I will make that type my research project for the weekend. Right now, I am too swamped to even think about research, but that's what the weekends will be for.

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