Sunday, May 5, 2019

Day 15. The 1000-tale threshold!

The timing worked out really great here; I'm about to be gone for a week with intermittent email access (which means I may or may not be posting here)... but before I leave, I managed to cross the 1000-tale threshold: Diigo Tales. Most of the stories are either part of the Brer Rabbit Project (178 tales), or they are African-American (857 tales), many of which I'll be able to include in the Brer Rabbit project too.

I've also started tagging the stories for characters, including the rabbit of course, the fox, the possum, and so on. I've only just started that process, but I'll be working on those tags every day when I get back. Meanwhile, there are already some good results just from being able to search the titles; here are the rabbits in the African-American tales so far, and that will get even better as I add the summaries and character tags.

Meanwhile, I also started reading Harold Courlander's Terrapin's Pot of Sense: what a wonderful collection of stories but, sad to say, out of print. One thing I will be able to do on this trip is to get some reading done, so I'll have lots more stories from my personal library to add to Diigo when I get back. Even if those are not public domain books, all that information will be valuable in researching and documenting the Brer Rabbit tradition. And lots of Brer Turtle too!

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